Rehab Before Surgery: Everything You Need to Know

If you’ve ever been told that you’ll need surgery, chances are you’ve heard about the benefits of prehabilitation. Prehabilitation refers to the treatment that takes place before surgery. There are many ways to prepare yourself physically for surgery. Some people choose to exercise regularly, while others prefer to work out with weights or use stretching exercises. Physical therapists can offer advice and guidance throughout the entire process.

Physical therapists can educate patients on how to prevent complications during recovery. They can teach you how to manage pain, avoid injury, and improve strength and flexibility. These techniques can make the difference between feeling good and feeling great after surgery.

Why Choose Prehab Physical Therapy?

There are many benefits to engaging in physical therapy prior to your operation, including:

• Improving range of motion and flexibility
• Strengthening muscles and joints
• Reducing swelling and inflammation
• Preventing future injury
• Increasing overall strength
• Decreasing risk of infection
• Improving sleep quality
• Preparing you for postoperative care
• Helping you recover faster

What Can Pre-hab Do for You?

Pre-habilitation refers to exercise programs that strengthen muscles and joints, improve balance, increase endurance, and reduce pain. These types of programs are typically used before major orthopedic procedures such as total knee arthroplasty (TKA), total hip arthroplasty (THA), and shoulder arthroscopy.

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Alberta in Canada examined the benefits of a pre-surgery physical therapy program compared with no such intervention. The team studied the effects of a five-week pre-habilitation program on patients undergoing total knee replacement surgery. They found that those who participated in the pre-surgery program experienced significant improvements in pain levels, function, and quality of life following their operation. In fact, the study authors noted that people who engaged in the pre-surgeries had greater gains in physical function and quality of life than people who underwent standard care alone.

The study included 160 patients who were randomly assigned to either a pre-surgery group or a control group. All participants completed a questionnaire regarding their health status and level of activity before the start of the study. Afterward, each patient received either a pre-surgery program or a placebo pill. Participants in the pre-surgery group attended five weekly sessions designed to prepare them for their upcoming operation. Those in the control group received information about how to manage their recovery without any additional treatment. At the end of the study, the researchers measured the patient’s physical functions and quality of life.

They found that people who engaged in a pre-surgery program reported less pain, better overall function, and improved quality of life following their operations. Additionally, the study revealed that patients who took part in the pre-survey program were able to recover to normal functional capacity sooner than those who did not receive any pre-surgery preparation.

Benefits of Physical Therapy Before & After Surgery

Physical therapists have been using pre-surgical physical therapy programs for years. However, this type of rehabilitation is often overlooked because it’s not considered routine practice. But there are several reasons why these programs should be an integral part of every patient’s surgical plan.

Here are some of the benefits of pre-surgical and post-surgical physical therapies:

• Improve Range of Motion

One of the most common complaints after joint replacement surgery is limited range of motion. This occurs when the surgeon removes too much bone from the affected area. As a result, the patient may experience stiffness and swelling. A pre-surgery physical therapist will help restore full mobility to your joints so that you can begin exercising again.

• Reduce Pain

Patients who undergo joint replacement surgery often report experiencing severe pain during their recovery period. By engaging in pre-surgery physical therapies, you can reduce the amount of pain you feel while recovering.

• Enhance Recovery Time

Pre-surgery physical therapy helps patients get back into shape faster. It also reduces the risk of complications like blood clots, which can occur if you don’t exercise properly.

• Prevent Soreness

Soreness is one of the most common side effects associated with joint replacement surgery. If you engage in pre-surgery exercises, you’ll be able to avoid soreness and other symptoms that could interfere with your ability to fully recover.

• Avoid Complications

If you’re having trouble walking or moving around, it might mean that you’ve developed a complication like deep vein thrombosis (DVT). These conditions can cause serious problems if they aren’t treated quickly. Physical therapy can help prevent DVT by improving circulation and reducing swelling.

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